To the Contract about the Customs code
Customs union accepted
By the decision of Interstate Council
The Euroasian economic community
( Supreme body of customs union)
At a level of the chapters of the states
From November 27, 2009 N 17
(unofficial translation)
A r t i c l e 368.
Transitional Provisions on the peculiarities of customs operations
1. Until the entry into force of an international treaty states - members of a customs union, allowing for the declaration of goods to any customs authority in the customs territory of the Customs Union:
declaration for goods supplied to the customs authority of the State - a member of the Customs Union, in accordance with the legislation which created, registered or in whose territory the person is a resident, which is declaring the goods, except as set forth in subparagraph 2) of article 186 of this Code;
diplomatic missions, consular offices, and other official representations and international organizations of States - members of a customs union serves the Goods declaration to customs authorities of the State - a member of the Customs Union, on whose territory they are located.
2. The goods in temporary storage under customs control on the coming into force of this Code, the provisions of chapter 25 of this Code, taking into account the second part of this paragraph.
The period of temporary storage of goods in temporary storage at the coming into force of this Code shall be calculated from the date of placement of goods in temporary storage in accordance with the laws of the State - a member of the customs union, in which such storage is done.
3. Declaration of goods in respect of goods in temporary storage under customs control on the coming into force of this Code shall be submitted to customs authorities before the expiry of temporary storage, on the date of placing of such goods in temporary storage in accordance with the laws of the State - a member of the customs Union, in which such storage is done.
4. Goods, customs declaration which made a (registered) by the customs authority prior to the entry into force of this Code shall be placed under the declared customs regime on the terms and conditions established by the legislation of the States - Members of the customs union, on the day of approval (registration) of customs authorities of the customs Declaration.