To the Contract about the Customs code
Customs union accepted
By the decision of Interstate Council
The Euroasian economic community
( Supreme body of customs union)
At a level of the chapters of the states
From November 27, 2009 N 17
(unofficial translation)
A r t i c l e 319.
Moving goods head of diplomatic missions of foreign states and members of the diplomatic staff of diplomatic missions of foreign states
1. The head of the diplomatic missions of foreign states and members of the diplomatic staff of foreign diplomatic representatives, as well as staying with them their families, if they do not reside permanently in the receiving State and are not nationals of the receiving state, may import into the customs territory of the customs union goods destined for their personal use, including products for the first installation, and export from the customs territory of the customs union goods intended for their personal use, with exemption from customs duties and taxes and applying non-tariff regulation.
2. The personal baggage of heads of diplomatic missions of foreign states, members of the diplomatic staff of foreign diplomatic representatives, as well as living with them their families, if they do not reside permanently in the receiving State and are not nationals of the receiving State shall be exempt from customs inspection with no serious grounds to believe that it contains articles not for personal use, or the goods imported to the states - members of a customs union or export from the countries - members of a customs union which is prohibited or controlled by quarantine regulations. Customs clearance of such goods shall be conducted only in the presence of such persons or their representatives.