To the Contract about the Customs code
Customs union accepted
By the decision of Interstate Council
The Euroasian economic community
( Supreme body of customs union)
At a level of the chapters of the states
From November 27, 2009 N 17
(unofficial translation)
A r t i c l e 105.
Exemption from customs authorities of certain forms of customs control
1. Exemption from customs authorities of certain forms of customs control shall be established by this Code, international treaties, states - members of the Customs Union and other international agreements.
2. Customs inspection is not subject to personal baggage:
1) heads of states - members of a customs union and following along with their families;
2) Heads of Government, members of governments - members of a customs union, if such persons crossing the customs border in connection with the performance of official duties;
3) the heads of foreign states, heads of foreign governments, foreign ministers attending the state - members of the Customs Union with an official visit;
4) other persons in accordance with international agreements of - members of the Customs Union and other international agreements.
3. Exempt from customs inspection:
1) Foreign military ships (vessels), combat aircraft and military equipment, following its course;
2) defense equipment which, according to a special statement of the relevant state bodies - members of a customs union, moved across the customs border;
3) operating international flights of foreign aircraft in the period of stay in the customs control areas at the international airports of States - members of the customs union.