To the Contract about the Customs code
Customs union accepted
By the decision of Interstate Council
The Euroasian economic community
( Supreme body of customs union)
At a level of the chapters of the states
From November 27, 2009 N 17
(unofficial translation)
A r t i c l e 104.
Inadmissibility of causing undue damage during the customs control
1. When carrying out customs control not be caused undue harm to the customs carrier, the declarant, their representatives, owners of temporary storage warehouses, bonded warehouses, duty free shops and other interested persons whose interests are affected by actions (or inaction) and decisions of the customs authorities during customs control, and well as goods and vehicles.
2. Damages caused to persons by unlawful decisions, actions (or inaction) of customs authorities or their officials during the customs control, shall be reimbursed in full, in accordance with the legislation states - members of the customs union.
3. Damages caused to persons lawful decisions and actions of customs officials will not be refundable, except in cases envisaged by legislation of - members of the customs union.