Russian Information Centre on Foreign Trade. |
United Nations Conference on trade and development | ![]() |
World Trade Point Federation |
Russian National Trade Point [RNTP] Development Centre - |
Is generated(set up) according to the Program of a UNCTAD |
The full member of World Trade Point Federation since 2000. |
Russian National Trade Point (RNTP)
main activities are the following:
-assistance in the devolopment of international trade and cooperation and to the reduction
of trade costs through the uso of the EDI and principles of electronic commerce;
-search of partners in the attraction of foreign investment in various industrial,
building, information, telecommunication and other projects particularly for the SMEs;
assistance in attracting the investment and launching the investment projects and
-support of the existing Russian Regional Trade Points for the Electronic Commerce and
these set up within the UNCTAD Programme: designing, sotting up and the systemic support
of the information and computing systems and networks and their organizational and
technical infrastructure;
-assistance to the Russian Ministry for the Economic Development and Trade and other
federal and local autherities in launching the Russian TP Programme;
-representation and protection of interests of other Russian TPs in the Russian management
bodies and in the international organizations, conferences, meetings, foundations, etc.;
-implementation of regular contacts with the UNCTAD and its working bodies responsible for
the execution of the TP Programme;
-assistance to the implementation by the Russian TPs of a unified information, technical
and methedical policy pursuant to the recommendations issued by the DNCTAD and world or
regional conferences;
-information and consultancy servicing of the Russian and foreign participants in foreign
trade by request, submission of various information directories: exchange of the economic,
commercial and regulatory information;
-placement of commercial offers in the Global Trade Point Network [GTPNetl; promotion of
the information about goods and services, involving Russian and regional representations
and trade missions abroad;
-monitoring the export and import of goods and services including price quotations and
information on exporters and importers;
-consultations and professional assistance at ail stages of preparation of the foreign
trade transaction;
-conducting market research and preparation of the state-of-the-art reviews on various
aspects of foreign trade activities;
-creation and support of the electronic representations of companies and firms on the
-conducting public expertise of the formed TPs for their compliance with the regulations
of the DNCTAD Programme;
-cooperation with the DNCTAD on the certification issues, and the assignment of the TP
status to the newly formed organizations;
-participation of the RNTP and the and members of the RTF Association in carrying out he
Russian and international e-commerce programmes;
-taking part in the federal and regional programmes aimed at the support of export/ import
and the SMEs;
-assistance and participation in the devolopment of the standards, norms and legal basis
for the EDI with a stage by stage incorporation of the e-commerce elements;
-organization and implementation of training and raising professional skills of the RNTP
staff and the RTP Association members both in Russia and abroad;
-collection, synthesis, analysis and dissemination of experience gained by the Russian and
foreign TPs.