Central federal district Northwest federal district North Caucasian federal district Volga federal district Ural federal district Siberian federal district Far East federal district
Population | 1474 thousand persons. | Site | Structure of Region includes 17 regions, 8 urban regions(From them 6 - in one @. Yaroslavl), 4 cities of region subparameter22 working settlements. Is disposed in a central partThe East Europe plain. Bounds with Tver,Vologda, Kostroma, Ivanovo, Vladimir andBy the Moscow fields(areas). | Mineral wealths | Spigot products quartzy, grit, peat, water mineral,Tuffs calcareous, clay fine(thin) tape, paint mineral. | The basic industries | Mechanical engineering and metal working (electrotechnical,Cable, instrument making, automobile); a wood industry,Woodworking industry and pulp and paper industry industry(Logging industry, woodworking);Industry of building materials(Industry modular reinforced-concrete and concreteConstructions and items, industry wallMaterials); a glass industry and china-faience industry;Light industry (cotton, linen, woolen, sewing,Tanning, fur, shoe); a food-processing industry(Flour-grinding - groats and feed mill industry); a fuel industry(Oil refining); electric power industry; a chemical and petrochemical industry. | Agriculture | Potato-growing; a vegetable-growing; animal industries; a flax growing;Sowings of grain cultures. | The basic transport trunk | Navigation on river. To Volga, RybinskTo reservoir; the network iron and highways. | ADMINISTRATION of LOCALE | (0852) 22-12-83, 22-23-28 | REPRESENTATION In the INTERNET | Administration of Region
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