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Population | 1059 thousand persons. Russian population compounds70 %, Buryat - 24 %. | Site | Is disposed in a southern part by EastSiberia, in Transbaikalia. Bounds with Irkutsk andBy the Chita fields(areas), Republic Tyva,By Mongolia. | Mineral wealths | Wolframium, molybdenum, gold, polymetals,Coal stone and coal brown, apatites, asbestos,Sandstones quartzy. Most knownDeposits: wolframium and molybdenum -Dzhidinskoe; polymetals - Lake,KHolodninskoe; coal - Gusinoozerskoe,Tungusskoe, Akhalikskoe; apatites -Oshurkovskoe; asbestos - Youth;Quartzy sandstones - CHeremshanskoe. | The basic industries | Mechanical engineering (devices and meansAutomation, electromachine,Automobile cocks), electric power industry,Fuel industry, ore mining, wood industry,Woodworking and tsellyulozno-paper industry,Industry of building materials,Light industry and food-processing industry. | Agriculture | Sowings grain and fodder plants; animal industries (largeHorned cattle, sheep breeding, swine-breeding, poultry keeping);Potato-growing; a vegetable-growing; a fur craft; a trapping. | The basic transport trunk | Navigation till lake of Baikal, river. Selenga, Barguzin.Transsibirskaya and Baikal-Amur R.R. trunks. | ADMINISTRATION of LOCALE | (30122) 2-35-40, 2-49-61, 2-46-52, 2-51-86, 2-21-32 | REPRESENTATION In the INTERNET | Government of Republic Buryatiya
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