- The international association of a development (IDA) was formed in 1960 specially for
granting to less developed countries to the members of a IBRD of the credits and loans on
favourable terms (on occassion — for the term of till 50 years,
And on an interest-free basis).
- The association possesses four main sources of finance:
• Profit of a IBRD;
• Instalments of the states - members;
• Special instalments of the solvent states - members;
• Return before the given credits.
- Time per 3 years the group of the donor countries, which totals as of today 34 states,
nominates the official representatives, which carry out(conduct) consultations on the next
engaging of means of Association. Thus the credits are granted in native currency states -
borrower. Each financial project exposs to careful ïîëèòèêî-economic examination
so that the granted financial help was used maximum effectively. A number(line) of the
projects defined the order of engaging of means of Association for realization of economic
reforms in Russian Federation, and also for struggle with poverty in less developed