- The European Economic Community (EEC) is based in 1957. According to the so-called Roman
Agreement this organization included 12 West-European countries: Belgium, Great Britain,
Germany, Greece, Denmark, Ireland, Spain, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal,
France. As a result of activity of EEC already at the end of 60 years the uniform custom
union was created; the uniform customs tariff in relation to the third countries is
entered, the customs duties, and also quantitative restrictions in mutual trade are
cancelled. To the beginning 1993 the process of creation of a uniform home market was
actually completed, the limitations on paths of free removal of the goods, services,
capitals and labour are removed. Job on shaping(forming) economic and currency union now
is actively conducted.
- At the same time the process of creation of EEC was not prime and long. For example, the
creation of the uniform market has required Acceptance more than 300 acts directed On
limitation or liquidation tax and technical Barriers, and also on cancellation of customs
supervision between countries - mambers. The reached simplification of the rules of
trade turnover between 12 countries of EEC has allowed to abolish
From 50 up to 60 millions customs documents. Since January 1 1993 on internal borders of
EEC the customs was liquidated, the monitoring behind all goods in a course them is
cancelled The removals from one country of EEC in other (in this list have not got only
weapon, military engineering, automobiles and works of art).
- As unconditional achievement of countries - of EEC it is necessary to
consider(count) at that, that the citizens of EEC have received the right easily to work
in all without exception countries of community any spheres, including on a public
service, except for army, magistracy and police. Besides it, any citizen of EEC has
received the right to keep the savings in any of 12 countries, where the least taxes and
greatest percent(interest) on the contributions are guaranteed. The tendency of removal of
a banking capital in Luxembourg in this connection takes place, where for today there were
most favourable conditions for a storage of the savings of the citizens.
- In countries of EEC actually there was a uniform financial system: the business banks
any of countries of EEC have the right to create the branches in other countries. On it it
is not required any of special prior permission. The monitoring behind activity of a
branch bank is realized by(with) country of derivation of a head banking establishment.
Huge practical interest for other states Represents the transition, which has begun since
January 1, 1999, of East Economic COMMUNITY On the common currency — "euro".
- In 1986 Portugal, in 1995 — Austria, Finland and Sweden was connected with EEC. Now
within the framework of EEC the uniform "«world" visa is developed. Already now
for the citizens of the countries - members of EEC the order of committing of commercial,
business and educational trips much more has become simpler.
- EEC: * Austria * Belgium * Bulgaria * Great Britain * Hungary * Germany * Greece *
Denmark * Ireland * Spain * Italy * Cyprus * Latvia * Lithuania * Luxembourg * Malta *
Netherlands * Poland * Portugal * Romania * Slovakia * Slovenia * Finland * Francium *
Czechia * Sweden * Estonia