To the Contract about the Customs code
Customs union accepted
By the decision of Interstate Council
The Euroasian economic community
( Supreme body of customs union)
At a level of the chapters of the states
From November 27, 2009 N 17
(unofficial translation)
A r t i c l e 332.
Reversing the decision to suspend release of goods containing objects of intellectual property
1. Decision of the suspension shall be rescinded before the expiration of the suspension of the release of goods, if:
1) the customs authority received an application owner or a person representing his interests, to abolish such a decision;
2) intellectual property subject matter excluded from the customs registry of intellectual property of each of the states - members of a customs union and common customs registry of intellectual property rights of States - members of a customs union;
3) other cases defined by legislation of the States - Members of the customs union.
2. Cancellation of the suspension shall be given in writing to the head of the customs authority or his authorized representative.
3. After the cancellation of the decision to suspend release of goods the production of such goods is resumed and carried out in accordance with this Code, unless otherwise stipulated by the legislation of - members of the customs union.