To the Contract about the Customs code
Customs union accepted
By the decision of Interstate Council
The Euroasian economic community
( Supreme body of customs union)
At a level of the chapters of the states
From November 27, 2009 N 17
(unofficial translation)
A r t i c l e 329.
The term of protection of intellectual property by customs authorities
The term of protection of the rights holder of intellectual property established by the inclusion of intellectual property rights in the customs registers maintained by the customs authorities in the states - members of the customs union and a single customs registry of intellectual property rights of States - members of a customs union with the deadline specified by the right holder, in a statement but not more than two (2) years from the date of inclusion in the registers.
Specified period may be extended upon application owner an unlimited number of times, but each time no more than 2 (two) years, subject to the requirements of this chapter.
The term of protection of the rights holder on intellectual property may not exceed the term of the rights holder to the relevant intellectual property.