To the Contract about the Customs code
Customs union accepted
By the decision of Interstate Council
The Euroasian economic community
( Supreme body of customs union)
At a level of the chapters of the states
From November 27, 2009 N 17
(unofficial translation)
1. When placed under the customs procedures, except for the customs procedure of customs transit, the customs authority is the declaration of goods.
2. In the declaration of goods shall contain the following basic information, including a coded form:
1) the declared customs procedure;
2) information about the declarant, customs representatives, of the sender and the recipient of the goods;
3) information on vehicles used for international transport of goods and (or) transport across the customs territory of the customs union under customs control;
4) information about the vehicles of international transport and (or) the vehicle on which goods are transported (to be carried) on the customs territory of the customs union under customs control;
5) information about products:
classification code of goods on the Commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity;
Name of the country of origin;
Name of the country of origin (destination);
description of packages (number, type, marking and serial numbers);
quantity in kilograms (gross weight and net weight) and other units;
customs value;
statistical value;
6) information on the calculation of customs duties:
customs duties, taxes, customs duties;
application of exemptions from payment of customs duties;
amount of calculation of customs duties, taxes, customs duties;
exchange rates established in accordance with the laws of the State - a member of the customs union and used for the calculation of customs duties in accordance with this Code;
7) information on foreign trade and its basic conditions;
8) information on compliance with the restrictions;
9) information about the manufacturer of the goods;
10) information demonstrating compliance with the conditions for placing goods under a customs procedure;
11) information on the documents submitted in accordance with Article 183 of this Code;
12) information about the person, which amounted to a declaration of goods;
13) place and date of declaration of goods.