Agency of foreign economic relations and telecommunications "INTRADE" |
The copyrights to a site, title " RUSSIA - EXPORT IMPORT ", trade mark and design the indicated server belong to Agency of foreign economic relations and telecommunications "INTRADE" (ИНТРЕЙД).
Reproduction or copying of information materials of the server without permit of the legal owner, and , Agency "INTRADE" (ИНТРЕЙД) is a copyright infringement and can have legal consequences according to the current legislation.
At use of materials the reference to the server, as a source is obligatory.
Agency "INTRADE" (ИНТРЕЙД) prevents, that the inaccuracies and - or the mistakes allowed in materials of the server can not serve by the basis for presentation of the claims of property character on the part of the consumers information and promotional materials.
Agency "INTRADE" (ИНТРЕЙД), acting within the framework of the Law of Russian Federation " About advertising ", the contents of the announcements and certainty of contact datas placed on the server does not bear responsibility for the promotional materials.
The agency "INTRADE" (ИНТРЕЙД) will be grateful for supplements, remark and offer in a part of perfecting of the contents and structure of the server.